I am a new subscriber.

I think you hit the nail on the head with your points made in this post and I tend to agree with your assessment of things.

I have been trying to get my family to see the up coming events and they don’t seem to have any real concerns because nothing is affecting them yet. They say C19 is over time to move on and get back to normal.

I have come to a point now that all I can do is warn others of the dangers of this life and the one to come in the next if they don’t know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior which is the most important thing for them to know.

The children are the ones I am concerned about the most because their parents are not prepared and in turn won’t be able to guide their children through the storm.

Trust and have faith in Jesus as he will guide us through the valley of death.

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Apr 30Liked by RE Nichols

Hi Mrs Nichols

Yes I agree DJT is not the answer. Civil upheaval is more than likely either way it goes. I will not trust AI in any fashion. It’s the elites way to control the world .

Any of the Churches near me which is WNC are missing in action as far as teaching of the days we are living in,which the end of the age. So there is no plan ,no preparedness as you spoke food shortages and on & on. Hold on to Jesus Christ my dear,cause we’re in for crash & burn type situations.

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Apr 30Liked by RE Nichols

I fear anything or anybody directly connected to AI, that includes the Health Ranger, whom I would prefer to trust implicitly.

I also fear the almost inevitable "cure" for AI, which seems to be an intense EMP event to fry those little microcircuits that power the intrinsically evil AI.

I see nothing good from this excrement, or the sphincters selling it.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Apr 30Liked by RE Nichols

I agree with you on all of this. I wish people would refuse to buy all the 'smart" stuff. I wish they would throw away their cell phones. I wish they would refuse to cooperate with all the stores offering lower prices to those who use their cell phones to get those lower prices. Kroger, Meijer's, etc. I wish people would not agree to use the "portals" that doctors' and medical offices communicate with patients through.

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Wish i could hang out w you IRL...

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Ps AI will be built for those who always want to outsource their critical thinking and do no work.

Save as many important books you can.

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Amen & AMEN! This shiny new thing (AI) *seems* to hold great practical promise--"good" for spiritual food (entertainment) a delight to the eyes, desirable to make one wise; saving a whole lot of labor. But like the serpent's original temptation (or certain pharmaceutical potions), it's untested; by definition, its long-term effects (and origins) are unknown.

I have come to believe that AI is more than just a tool for temporal globalists; rather, it harbors a sting which is spiritual in nature. When you were writing this wise caution, I was writing this piece: https://gospelfiction.substack.com/p/the-foolishness-of-crowds John Daniel Davidson goes into the spiritual darkness already showing up blatantly in AI in chapter 9 of his book, "Pagan America,"

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