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The Sleeping Sea Monster

RE Nichols

This is the hopeless situation the Socialistically-Secured citizens (e.g. the digitally-marked foolish virgins within Christ’s Bride) of the UN “City of Destruction” find themselves in. Their most trusted democratic institutions, in this Orwellian Digital Age, have betrayed them. Their elected officials have colluded with the CEOs of the Marxist Beast’s powerful mega-corporations—now integral to the City of Destruction’s digital global economy—to rob and enslave the digitally-marked populations after killing and crippling a suitable number.

The big problem is that the foolish virgins do not have the Bridegroom’s infinite resources (i.e. lamp oil for their empty lamps) providing for their daily needs. Faithfully following in Christ’s holy footsteps and wisely coming out of Satan’s Socialistically Secured City of Destruction is diametrically opposed to their un-crucified, self-willed, democratic sin-nature.

Faithful and Christian Pilgrims wisely obey God’s Revelation 18:4 commandment and flee out of the Marxist City of Destruction. But, unlike the wise virgins/Christian Pilgrims, the foolish virgins idolatrously remain dependent-wards within the Beast’s Marxist Security System, from cradle to grave. Maybe the City of Destruction’s collapsed supply chains will force them to democratically establish a more self-reliant system till something better can be Humanistically rebuilt?

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