Hang in there, RE Nichols. Demoralization is part of their plan. Don't make it easy for these bleepers! Keep living and resisting; it drives 'em nuts!

It's natural to feel despair in these maddening times. But take care of yourself. Go out for a walk, join a gym, stay in shape to be able to help those who need it when the time comes. Force yourself to do this. Connect with similarly awakened individuals (the true "woke"). When they take the internet down and isolate us further, remember that we are never, ever alone. God is with us always, everywhere!

You see clearly what's going on. God has chosen you to live during these times. What a privilege! A single light shining in abject darkness is extremely powerful. You are that light. Keep shining. God bless you!

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I was completely torn, and shed a great deal of anxious sweat all last year over this. Then one day my Mom said have you really asked Or contemplated what Jesus would do. And in that moment I thought, He did after all leave us a vicar, and made promises regarding our vicar and The Church. My knee jerk reaction was to turn to the CDF ruling on this matter.

I still to this day look at this in a doctrinal, authoritative, and hierarchical way.

Last year when we were mandated by our federal government to get the shots to keep our jobs I did my best to discern the morality of the vaccine itself and the weight of my decision on society in general. I frantically combed through the CDF’s document looking for the possibility of getting a religious exemption, obviously on the moral grounds against the vaccine itself, since that is what was in question.

The morality of being mandated itself was not clearly enough addressed, in that document, nor was it any better when our federal government decided to enforce the mandates.

It is right there in the first line of paragraph 5. That the church’s position remains it should have been and should be a voluntary choice.


But in the heat of battle, meme wars, arguing with people on every front about the vaccine itself, That one important line never really sunk in. Nor did it occur to me, that right there may have been the reply to my prayers. Me being me, I was quite adamant on making people understand the dangers, and fighting against the vax itself rather then being open to realize that, I might have had a chance to fight the act of mandating instead.

So... here we are.

I have to accept that the infallible papal authority in this case deemed the vaccine itself moral; but it did in the same breath rebuked the act of being mandated.

If I would have truly realized this I would have pushed my diocese to write me a letter explaining this to my employer, and pray for the possibility of a religious exemption to the mandate itself not the vaccine.

To be honest, it still leaves us in a very vulnerable place in the eyes of secular law, and secular courts.

The fact it goes against The Church’s highest authority to rebuke mandates, but not the material in question that is being rebuked in this case, makes this very difficult to discern and to live through. And it does not make a strong argument to keep employment.

I have fallen for this once, and have unfortunately may have indeed eliminated many years of my life by subjecting myself to this poison, but I do repent, and ask for forgiveness for this fact nearly everyday.

If ... more like when, they come back with this mandate non-sense again, my last recourse will be to appeal my diocese to write me a letter explaining my situation to my employer and beyond that, pray, hope, and trust in God to be merciful.

At this point to be honest with everyone who may read this, it may sound cruel, but I pray for all the economic, and social woes, to come swiftly so self-sufficiency, and working directly towards agriculture and food production becomes more important than working for someone else’s fiat money. At least it’ll slow down this rapid March towards full blown communism, if at least for a little while.

God Bless you all. Please pray that when I am called to suffer due to these poisons, God be merciful with this poor sinner.

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God bless you.

Did you know that the current Pope mandated the vaccine in February 2021 for all residing in the Vatican? To my knowledge - not sure though - he was the very first head of state to do so.

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I heard this from Catholics.

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Yea. They very quickly rescinded their decision. The Holy Spirit would not stand for this.

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Do you know when?

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by RE Nichols

I hear you loud and clear. I felt that way up until about the past 6 months. But people are starting to wake up. The demonic freaks (people on here know who they are) have overreached. Even the normies are starting to get it. Yeah I occasionally see a covidiot driving down the road by himself wearing a mask, but that's the few. I have a 55 gallon drum full of red pills and I plan on using all of them. Hang in there, you are helping people. Coming here has been satisfying, seeing people who have a clue.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by RE Nichols

There are MANY MANY of us who are highly suspicious and agree with everything you said. Never forget that. We also are trying to figure out the best course of action.

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Rachael, you may want to consider doing as much as you can to minimize suffering from bad health while you are alive on earth.

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You are NOT alone. There are many of us here. Feel the same way you do, haven't been to church since they all masked up and did Zoom. Remember the bible says there will be many christians who will take the mark...there will be few of us. Do not lie around hoping to die. Walk out in nature, appreciate God's beautiful world, and know that we are out here just like you. I wish we could trade emails. Because you are NOT alone. But I have given up trying to wake them up. Do not wish for death. It will come to us. Be ready to die for your faith.

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I feel the same way! Let the dead bury the dead! The Flood is here and it's way past time to be on the Ark!

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This is not an Ark time. Many of us will fall. We live in hope of Jesus Christ and the Lord taking us

to heaven.

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The flood will be of fire this time. The Cross is our Ark.

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Yeshua, Jesus Christ, IS our Ark.

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