May 27Liked by RE Nichols

I will be Praying for you Re🙏

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Jun 5Liked by RE Nichols

My first read. Thank you. I’m glad I came.

There is a blessed hope. It’s called the rapture. I’ve studied it for 40 years, all positions and I come back to pre-trib every time. We are to be watching and waiting, it’s commanded. For what? The AC? That’s not in any passage. There are plenty of verses for that “mystery” and plenty that point to the 2nd coming. They are different lists completely.

You sound quite hope-less and a tad cynical as I read this which makes me quite sad. There’s joy in the Lord.

This old world is under the sway of the devil but we have hope. There are many Bible believing Christians out there who are on top of events and everything else. It’s doable. Find a good church. Listen to some good podcasts that talk about the end times and other topics to understand. I’m 66 but manage to research and produce a live radio podcast 3 days a week on every imaginable topic. Yes it’s work. Yes it’s worth it.

Be encouraged and be of good cheer! Jesus is coming. Whether people are alert to it or not. All the signs are there. It has zero to do with our eschatological stance.

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You are in my nightly prayers. Stay faithful and don't despair. God bless you.

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May 28Liked by RE Nichols

Remember Chix Comix? (sp?)

They were a little heavy handed (hellfire & brimstone), and would need to be adapted to digital format for today's people.

But - you have to cater to the 6 sec attention span. Graphics are the clearest way to do that quickly.

Love ya, grrl. JC

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May 27·edited May 27

“Christ is king”

Rachel; that's considered Antisemitic, now. Just look at the cancelling of Candace Owens. All the more reason to loudly proclaim it.

Regards the Rapture; I imagine that is left to one's own personal end times beliefs; as they differ by denomination.

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May 27·edited May 27Author

I see no convincing Biblical support for what gets called the Rapture. Even if it happens, we aren't in Heaven yet.

Christ is King. The Lord knows I mean it. I hope to soon see my King take back what is rightfully His.

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May 27Liked by RE Nichols

Bless you, Rachel. Regarding the Rapture' let's just say that there will be something to occur; what that be I'd say none of us has the insights into. My words to anyone would be do one's best to try and 'tidy up their ship', as it were and be in as good a place as is humanly possible; within our own feeble human framework; to meet one's Maker when that time arrives. We are all flawed and the Almighty knows that but He gives us the opportunity to repent, amend and turn back. That is what this whole wicked thing has been about for these past 4 years. It is an open invite for humanity, as a whole, to return to it's Creator. Question is how many will answer.

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Jul 1Liked by RE Nichols

Thank you ts... You are so very right.

RE Nichols.... If it helps, and i pray that it does, i KNOW in my spirit that you are loved deeply and dearly by many of your readers and by the commenters and most likely by many others, and certainly by me. I absolutely feel it and know it in my heart of hearts. I hope you feel it soon, too.

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Jul 1Liked by RE Nichols

I am humbled. I didn't think I had "readers', per se, as I only comment on articles, I don't write them.

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Jul 1Liked by RE Nichols

Well, i suppose that just means there are many who agree with your comments. 😊

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