Well, after 30 years of work you're all finally waking up.

We created the internet to destroy the propaganda box. Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? 800,000 people are dead over that lie and it was absolutely a lie. Do you care about that 800,000 people? How about the 500,000 children that died under sanctions in the 1990's?

Finally, this criminal government has targeted you, NOW you care.

The black pill is temporary. You have no idea just how criminal this government is, and we've been trying to tell you for decades in the hopes that with enough knowledge, you could help us fix it.

You have to acknowledge a problem before you can go about trying to fix it. At least you're acknowledging one problem.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Author

Not just targeted us. They have ordered us to harm one another.

Whether or not we can fix things we can still refuse to do what is wrong. Or refuse to continue doing it if we have shut our eyes for many months like Mrs. Christi YouTuber.

We may not be able to stop the Reset, but we can refuse to be a part of the evil.

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A keeper. And why I can no longer go to any church. I cannot forget or forgive the churches that went along.

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Good points Rachel. I'm sure that many people wished that they had paid attention to the so called conspiracy theories instead of believing all of the lies and the fear porn. I'm sure those people were easy to deceive since no lie is too small or two big for them to joyfully believe.

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