Excellent essay Rachel. Solid points vividly expressed from beginning to end!

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We fell some years ago. The structure is rotten and the foundation unsound. However the public thinks the tools of the master can preserve freedom. So they gather into partisan factions backed by big money.

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"Fear not I am with thee. Be not dismayed for I am thy God. I will comfort thee, I will keep thee. Behold I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

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Feb 4Liked by RE Nichols

Thoughtful and well-written. Thank you.

Yes, America will fall and it's too late to stop it. But, is it plausible that the longer we wait for this fall, the harder it will be to resurrect anything that looks like the America we once had?

Villages, bartering, ammo, and energy have their own unique problems that few, very few, are ready to take on. In my opinion those who see this coming need a leader. Many put their hope in the next election and Trump. Many will be disillusioned because our elections are the theater of the uni-party. And certainly not because Trump is bad, uncaring, or impotent. It really doesn't matter who the next President will be - they will be powerless to stop let alone reverse the trend and may in fact accelerate it. Sadly, that might be our best case scenario.

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Good read, your views are similar to mine. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Thanks to Leo for linking this!

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Feb 4Liked by RE Nichols

Leo posted this today on his substack and I am grateful. Subscribed to yours and read through many of your writings and couldn’t agree more. We know Jesus returns and exacts justice...us on here are just unsure if that is after America falls and the NWO comes out into the open (been working behind the scenes covertly for centuries) or if it’s before America falls and NWO is overtly open and operating as such. Whatever the case, we are to be about doing the Father’s business and be prepared with oil in our lamps (prepared with all the things physical, mental and spiritual).

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Feb 5Liked by RE Nichols

lol, yes! I agree…all that matters at end of it all is that we put our full hope and faith and trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior! And yes, I cannot wait to meet and tell ya I told you so😉. Until then, Maranatha!

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Good post Rachael. I count myself lucky if I can have a conversation with most people about why most western medical protocols are usually best used as a last resort if at all. Until if or when people decide to reconcil themselves to God and get in unity with Him. I see no peace, unity or reconciliation with people on a human level. And no one is obligated to exasperate themselves attempting to unite themselves with people who refuse to submit themselves to the will of the Lord.

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Feb 4Liked by RE Nichols

Great writing Mrs Nichols

You have articulated beyond words

Thank you Leo for bringing us more of the Truth

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You can't expect a country that was founded on genocide and slavery with a constitution that is hypocritical to come to other than what's happening today.

I don't hate my country. I think we can begin again and do better. No genocide for resources, I don't care how much someone wants something. No slavery to build wealth fast and cheap. No constitution that states "all men are created equal" and then undermine that beautiful declaration in the shadows for profits.

No behemoth bureaucracy concentrated in one "court" like DC or the court of Versailles. That is unnecessary and leads to unspeakable corruption. No secret militaries or intelligence agencies. No money gobbling programs like NASA unless they can transparently and honestly prove their worth.

No taxation without REAL representation which is NOT in the person of a politician, but represented in excellent infrastructure and schools and health care.

I don't say no to my country, rather a resounding NO to what is destroying it.

The Assyrian strategy is one that's been used by many, many conquerors throughout history such as the Romans, the Vikings, etc., because it works. We must stop it now at this time so it doesn't succeed without demonizing the pawns being used in the game.

Thank you for this article. God Bless.

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Feb 4Liked by RE Nichols

Very poignant summary of our current American situation.

The sheer number of people around me in my life who fail to see what is happening is astonishing, and they will be the first to cry, "What happened?!?" when everything ultimately collapses, and then they'll begin blaming those of us who have been awake the whole time for not doing anything to protect them, and us. The time to stop any further damage is now. Join the John Birch Society. Get involved in LOCAL politics. Attend school board meetings. Challenge you county leaders. Demand accountability. Buy a firearm and learn to use it. Prepare your family for the collapse. Have a plan.

Know that the ease with which we communicate, like right here on this blog, will not be there after the collapse occurs. Make sure you know how to keep in touch with other patriots.

It is not going to be an easy fight. It never has been. But we all have two choices now: take a stand, or join the downtrodden.


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America will triumph and Christ will reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But it's definitely going to be ugly before that.

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Feb 5Liked by RE Nichols

Excellent article, Rachel! We are, however, experiencing many small victories that show us We The People can change IT ALL! There is a world Revolution happening, and we're going to win it! IMO


While it may take a decade to complete the rebuilding of the Republic, taking down the Evil factions this year will set off the domino effect. We are already on our way. The old government is so corrupt to the core that we have to start over, it can't be fixed, and those who are part of it will never again hold a position of power.

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There is no realistic hope of salvaging the democratic republic that we once had, and the sooner that we all come to terms with that, the better. The corruption is too pervasive and too extensive.

Anyone who believes that we are going to "vote our way out of this" is sadly deluded.

There are only three options.

1: Do nothing, try to survive as best as you can in the coming days, and hope that The Regime does not send its minions to murder you and your family. You can expect to be disarmed at some point.

2: Civil war --- which would be very risky and very bloody. Much like every other institution in the nation, the military has been compromised, so victory is far from certain. Anyone who is cognizant of the events over the past several years would have the impression that The Biden Regime is TRYING to provoke a violent response, as it would give them the pretext to impose martial law, deploy the military, and rule by military decree. There are some who are speculating that there will likely be a "false flag" operation to give the impression that a civil war has begun, that it has gone kinetic.

If anyone were to try to organize a rebellion, they would likely be arrested and thrown in the same gulag as the Jan 6 protesters. If Washington DC were to be attacked, then the military would likely react to protect that cesspool.

3: #NationalDivorce --- Those States where sanity and integrity still prevail need to act ASAP to save themselves, to gain (or regain) their independence, to assert their right to self-determination. To effect that, we utilize the democratic process to break the nation apart. Each State should hold referendums on independence. In many States, the result would likely be in the affirmative.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is leading that effort in Texas.

texitnow . Org

tnm . Me

If Texas gets out, several other States would probably follow, perhaps even your own. There is an active movement in New Hampshire to regain independence. New Hampshire might even beat Texas to the exit. They are not waiting around for Texas to act. If one or more States were to regain its status as an independent nation, and The Regime in Washington DC (the District of Criminals) were to order an invasion of that/those State(s) in response, it is likely that there would be mass rebellion within the ranks. That action could backfire upon the ruling elite in a major way. The Regime is probably aware of that distinct possibility and that could compel them to refrain from taking that action. There doesn't have to be violence if they refrain from violence.

It's unrealistic to believe that the nation as a whole can be saved, so the only practical course of action is to try to save those parts that could possibly be saved.

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Wonderful comments here. I find the comments actually very encouraging. Even though the future of our beloved country appears to be heart-wrenchingly bleak, we as Christian believers have a higher hope and expectancy that all will be exactly as our loving Creator has proclaimed. And exactly as Julie Van commented here... once the King of kings intervenes and removes His own from this mess, none of this will matter.

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You mentioned how the Bible mentioned parts of this and what's going on also let's us know that the time to meet the Lord in the air 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (as we are not appointed to suffer the wrath of God when the 7 year tribulation starts), that time is very near!!! I was just pondering how these evil people will probably within 10 years or less be done away with and Jesus will return at the end of the 7 year tribulation and those previously taken away earlier will return with Jesus to this very earth for 1,000 years when Jesus will rule and reign. How truly short time is for these evil people and for born again Christians how close we are to being with Jesus for eternity... that to me is the only hope in all of this. Maranatha! Its all falling into place just as God said it would. Once we are with Jesus this will not matter one ioda anymore. A helpful book that points out all of the Bible verses Old and New Testament pertaining to end times and how it plays out etc is The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum.

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