Jul 28, 2022Liked by RE Nichols

Rachel, we don't know how long we have left but we do know that the coming years will be very difficult. You need to look after your mental health. I think that you are spending too much time on the internet which can have a negative effect on your mental health.

I've learnt to diversify and I have hobbies which take me away from the screen. I've also just discovered that setting my monitor to black and white is more calm than having it set in colour mode.

I'm sorry to hear about your friends dying. We are entering a time when Christians are going to become more and more isolated so it is important that we are prepared for what is to come.

A hobby that I would suggest to you is knitting. I've heard that it is very relaxing and therapeutic. If your musical you might consider learning to play a musical instrument. I find that playing hymns on the banjo can be uplifting.

I hope this helps.

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Hello Rachel I believe that many techniques are being used on an unsuspecting public which is destroying their critical thinking. Unlike us people are trusting the the media and medical profession and are therefore open to suggestion. We, on the other hand, have our guard up and are not so open to the mass hype being pumped out by MSN and other pro vaxxers out there.

I don't allow myself to get frustrated anymore with pro vaxxers. Frustration builds up into anger. I prefer to spend my energy on other things.

I see an inevitability about all of this. We are now seeing the progression of the monkey pox pandemic which I believe is related to the covid shots. As you probably know, they did a table top exercise which predicted a monkey pox pandemic. They predicted that it would result in the deaths of 250 million people world wide.

“The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.”

So it looks like we will have a genuine pandemic unlike the fake covid pandemic which was a relabelling of the Flu and any other respiratory illness which they could hijack. In this case I believe there will be a genuine pandemic. I believe the terrorist attack mentioned is a reference to the covid jab.

I would encourage you not to get hung up on the Covid Karens and instead to be at peace with people in so far as it's possible and more importantly, be at peace with yourself for your health's sake. We have a long way to go in a worsening crises ridden world where crises will be multiplied with increasing intensity.

The world is going to become an extremely angry place with people pitted against each other as the devil divides and conquers the masses. There will be much suffering for Christians and non Christians as the elites continue to sow division among the masses.

In this case I believe there will be a genuine pandemic. I believe the terrorist attack mentioned is a reference to covid jab.

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Hello Rachel . Whilst there is much truth in your comment it seems biased and hypocritical in parts. The fact is that we all use a screen to engage with a medium, whether it be news, socialising on forums, etc.,

But you see fit to indiscriminately demonise those who watch television whilst judging their motives for doing so. Many people are not even aware of alternative news sites or are scared of them. Many people watch television with discretion in an effort to inform themselves about what's going on in the world.

Perhaps we ourselves would fall far short if exposed to scrutiny.

On so- called, conservative/ Christian forums, I've seen lies and deceit concerning the bible. I've seen sick racism being promoted with very little or no opposition. I've seen people wish death and injury on the vaccinated, I've seen people almost worshipping Donald Trump and promoting him as someone sent from God despite the fact that he expedited the roll out of the covid poison jab and he also expedited the roll out of 5G. (I agree with your view, that Trump is controlled opposition).

I've seen people promoting false doctrine, etc. Some of the alternative sites actively promote the 'New Age' which has been embraced by the apostate church which is one of the biggest dangers facing true Christians today. I believe that 'New Age' Christians will be among the first to embrace the man of sin and will actively persecute us true Christians.

So whilst it is wise to be aware of vaccinated people's failings. We must remember that they have been manipulated with the most calculated psychology and much of their behaviour is out of fear. They are trying to do the right thing. I've seen the fear in their eyes when I tell them that I am not vaccinated. They see me as a virus ridden monster but I don't judge them for it. They just want to protect themselves and their families.

Before judging others for believing the media, we need to first look at the media which we use ourselves and our own behaviours. The truth is that all media is prone to misuse and misinformation. The truth is that many so-called Christians are actively promoting lies and hatred and white supremacy and hail themselves as the righteous when in fact their hatred shows them to be as bad or worse than the people whom they are judging.

I would say that much of the media out there is littered with evil and misinformation but people will use it differently. Some people will use discretion when choosing what to watch. I don't watch television but I do listen to the news on the radio and I also read popular media news sites. It helps me to know what is happening in politics and in the world in which I live.

But my biggest caution is with 'Christians'. I've leant not to blindly trust them and what they say. I've learnt to stay away from the apostate church and it's demonic madness. I've learnt to question self righteousness and to challenge it. I've learnt to expose false doctrine and the 'New Age' prophets who are surfacing on the forums these days.

The enemies who speak in Christ's name are the most dangerous because they pose as loving Christians and often win the trust of the naive Christians before blinding them and misleading them with the doctrines of demons. They meet with little resistance because Christians are afraid to be seen confronting a fellow Christian and then being reprimanded by other misguided Christians.

So to conclude, let us not allow anger to become hatred. Hatred dehumanises us and distances us from the love of God. And let us be most critical of the misguided people in our own camp.

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