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What the Global Technocrats have in store for everyone of God’s beloved sheep, that are protected in the Good Shepherd’s impregnable sheepfold, is far, far worse. My fears of Technocrat wolves overcoming my sleeping Shepherd and devouring me, combined with my lack of faith in His promised protection and ability to annihilate them, keeps me up at night and gives me nightmares when I do sleep. The Beast’s wolf-pack wish to erase the Bible’s recorded history of God’s unfailing and miraculous protection of His beloved sheep, and faithful provision of heaven’s daily manna. With the ‘abandoned’ sheep having no memories or hope of God’s love and divine protection over them, Technocracy’s ravenous wolf-pack will be able to control God’s unguarded sheepfold forever. Satan’s demonic wof-pack will allow the mixed flock of Christ’s dependent sheep and the Devil’s independent goats to hold services in the metaverse. But not in the universe God created. The Marxist Globalists have already been carefully Socially Securing the digitally-marked souls, and modifying the behaviors, of the Devil’s deluded goats.

Psalm 23: “The LORD is my Shepherd I shall not…fear??

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