Great post Rachel. "Opting out" of the world system is our only hope at this stage. I think the midterm elections will confirm that you are right on the mark. My latest article delves into this a bit but I really believe some eyes are going to be opened over the next few weeks, coming to the same conclusion you have reached that they old America is already fully destroyed and the corpse is waiting to be buried.

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I have been bothered by this feeling that God wants me to do something. Now it's becoming clearer.

There's a reason He has allowed us to foresee the coming crash. Not only lives but souls may be saved.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by RE Nichols

Yes! I agree completely! God Above has said in His Holy Book that these days would come upon us.

The days of complete horror and shame, and let's face it (God says "NO! YOU FACE IT!) Without God's help and with His Son, not only is our Country done and finished, but so are we!

We got ourselves into this mess by ignoring God and His orders and while being all caught up in today's awesome-technology in computers, X-boxes and Smart-phones and TVs and games, Virtual Reality and Remote Control-Everything, we have so foolishly allowed the devil in and let him dance naked in front of us and Our children! He is robbing us blind and mass-murdering us with poison in a hypodermic needle, and now, we are most certainly going to receive a big side order of Mushroom Clouds in our already polluted skies. "Now What are You going to do?" God is saying.

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Good points Rachel. We must certainly pray without ceasing. And determine within our hearts to endure in Christ until the end. Let us hold on to the eternal promises of God without wavering.

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Great advice. I would also suggest that we all take advantage of the Second Amendment and be prepared to defend ourselves from the tyranny descending on us, should the need arise.

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Yep. Don't storm the capital and avoid civil war. But keep your guns. Use the Second for defending the home turf. Local groups may need to prepare for guerrilla warfare.

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Thank you for saying what we are all thinking.

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