Brilliantly written!! Thank you!! 🙌

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It's the collective of like minded individuals which forms a consensus. Such as the right wingers who have hijacked Christianity in order to form a 'Christian Zionist' consensus where the slaughter and displacement of innocent Palestinian civilians is not only deemed to be acceptable but is supported both politically and financially. They selectively manipulate and distort the scriptures in order to push their Zionist agenda and the so called Christians follow without question.

"Were doing it for God" they cry, as they drag God into their hatred for Muslims or anyone else who doesn't agree with their pseudo Christian ideals. They blame others for their own intolerance. A bible in one hand and a gun in the other. "Share our faith or be shot and bombed and it serves you right for not sharing our pseudo Christian faith."

"The land belongs to Israel" they argue, when in fact the land belongs to God and Israel's right to dwell there depends on obedience to God. But Zionist Israel is not obedient to God. Israel is a cess pit of immorality and now it's gone a step further and is committing genocide and displacement of the Palestinian people.

But each individual in this collective support for mass murder will answer to God. Their evil hearts will be exposed.

I honestly believe that Christian Zionists will rally to the 'man of sin' when he is revealed. They will follow his orders to murder those annoying, genuine, Christians, who oppose their ideals for an earthly Zion and who take a stand against the 'man of sin' and who oppose his false, earthly Zion where he will sit in the temple, claiming to be God.

Christians, should NOT be supporting the Zionist Israeli government, nor should we be silent whilst Israel carries out it's atrocities in Gaza, not to mention the displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank, where Palestinian schools are being burnt down and their crops are being destroyed whilst illegal settlements are being built 'settlers' on Palestinian territory .

True faith is evidenced by a true testimony in the face of adversity. How shallow is a faith which doesn't speak out against the slaughter of innocent civilians, including women and children.

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