"Both Communism and Fascism relied on manipulation of mobs to carry out their agendas. But Technocratic Globalism relies on it more heavily than military might or conventional weapons."

How do you think Christianity took over South America? :)

David Stannard, in his book AMERICAN HOLOCAUST, estimates that Christians murdered about 100 million indigenous people in the Americas alone. The Spaniards killed the parents, sent the children to the missionary schools, and robbed them of their language and their culture.

No empire has killed and tortured more people than the Catholic Church.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023Author

Call it "Christendom." When religion and politics get married the aberrant offspring always resembles politics more than the former.

Christ didn't come to found a new political system or state, but to change human hearts. As He said to Pilate before He was crucified, "My Kingdom is not of this world."

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May 13, 2023Liked by RE Nichols

The coming globalist/trans-humanist totalitarianism will make all previous authoritarian systems seem like child's play. The Catholic Church at least produced Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, De las Casa, the Berrigans, and the Kennedys. The rough beast now moving toward Bethlehem will bring no such blessings.

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