Thanks Rachel!...My main concern is looking after my 95 yr. old mom and our 16 yr old cat.

What precautions and preparation I can take and acquire I'm trying to attain.

Everything is so expensive , as generators, food storage, battery powered stuff, (NO! Not electric cars!)..medical stuff, (NO! Certainly NOTHING from Phizer or Merdonna,or Aztrezeneca,etc..) and weapons...I have a few.

Really finding myself extremely exhausted and I know my health is deteriorating ( NO! I aint been vaccinated!...nor Tested!)..... I don't even take my prescription drugs much anymore as the "So-Called-"Family Physicians" quit on me!...I don't trust them anymore whatsoever!

The Dr that comes here to the house to see Mom I'm not real sure about either!

I was hoping to live long enough to see the demons (globalists) of the world (as gates and schwab and soros,,etc hung or shot or their jets crash.......

.......62 1/2 yrs and really getting sick and tired and worn out, but for now, I have to keep on going for my Mom and Spunky!....

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Don't believe the stuff coming out on Netflix. That's my point.

I'm in a similar situation to yours.

We will see the baddies crash, Kevin. On earth or in Heaven, we'll see it happen.

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I dumped fasco-Marxist $hitFlix years ago. Removed Disney even as a selection on my Roku, and haven't set food in Target in years.

Sadly, I am in the 5%. Most idiot zombies continue doing all this, and more... and will gladly march into Harari's Xyclon B showers... only this time with their idiot faces clued ot their idiot cell phones as they peer through their idiot masks, which holes are ~100 microns, the virus a thousand times smaller.

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Kevin: Slightly off-topic but not actually: One of the strategic goals of this clearly engineered roll-out of never-ending shocks & attacks across multiple attack vectors is to so STRESS all of us that even those who refuse to believe or comply will still have our health, resistance and resiliency eroded. Look at the very foundations of health & resiliency. It's not a cure-all but will literally give you an advantage re health & resiliency at a fundamental level. For example:

1) Here's a shocker: The US Nutritional Guidelines pushed by the government since the 1970s is based on fraudulent "science" and is responsible for increased chronic diseases (and windfalls for Big Pharma & Big Med). You can read Nina Teicholz' magnum opus "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet" to understand the faux science behind the US Nutritional Guidelines and resultant advice dispensed by MDs. https://www.amazon.com/Big-Fat-Surprise-Butter-Healthy/dp/1451624433/ref=monarch_sidesheet. Then if you want to start a High Fat/Low Carb diet (i.e. Ketogenic or Ketovore or Carnivore diet) you can watch YouTube videos of the DISSIDENT MDs & scientists in this movement and read the comments. In the comments sections will find an endless series of testimonials of the life-changing impact this switch has had on people's lives. Dr. Ken Berry has playlists on getting started with Keto or Carnivore diets on his YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@KenDBerryMD/playlists His latest video is on another channel and is a great introduction: "Dr. Ken Berry discusses: Principles of a Proper Human Diet" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO606ZKJRew The Australian YT channel "Low Carb Down Under" posts all their conference lectures online. (BTW, people are literally reversing dementia in elderly parents by putting them on a Carnivore diet. Dr. Shawn Baker has interviewed a retired Air Force officer, Hal Cranmer, who now runs several eldercare facilities in Arizona and a few of them are devoted to returning people to independent living if they choose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cxwpG84qPs They use these High Fat/Low Carb diets along with physical rehab & training.) As for your kitty: Cats are obligate carnivores. If you can afford it, kitty will also thrive on human grade raw Carnivore diet. I largely forego steak so the kitties and I can dine on grass-fed hamburger, Trader Joes sardines packed in water, etc. (NB: If money is tight, Dr. Ken Berry has videos on doing Keto & Carnivore diets on the cheap!)

2). Supplement with Vitamin D -- Virtually no one whose Vitamin D levels were above a certain marker (I forget the specific measure) was hospitalized for "Covid" during the Covid Era.

3) A VERY simple and time-efficient method of getting exercise into your life is the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Nitric Oxide Dump exercise: 3 minutes, 3 times per day. You can search for Dr. Mercola's video entitled: Nitric Oxide Release Workout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEui9ImJaiI There is even a video of an engineer/scientist, Bob Dennis, PhD. who recovered from a stroke and started with this same Nitric Oxide Dump exercise while seated in a chair and worked his way up, so you don't have to immediately do, for example, deep squats like super-fit Dr. Mercola. Here is the Bob Dennis' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKUVfiebFkw&t=2s

There are LOTS of additional tools but these give you an extraordinary foundation for health. (Re your 95 year old mother: these diets will actually improve her bone density and help retain muscle. True for you too.)

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One more thing: This nutritional information does not only address the foundations of physical health & resiliency. Also psychological & emotional: How The Carnivore Diet Can Transform Your Brain, Emotions, and Mental Health


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Excellent essay Rachel. One of your best! In fact, I’d like to post it on my site with your permission?

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Yes, thank you.

I could use the exposure.

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Saw the ad for the idiot movie. Yeah... I'll go race out and watch it right after the latest idiot Disney Snow White, now called Snow White Privilege.

Harari on eliminating the "useless eaters," which Hitler called Aktion T-4 (look it up, you'll be appalled at even the ads they put out in public), I will repeat my dictum: For all those morally complicit, lazy, entitled types who want to "sit this one out," you cant; you won't... and they never intended for you to be ABLE to.

I have one family member I warned about the shot. Gee... I dunno.... I cited Dr. Martin Kuldorff, Harvard Univ. Medical School, Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale Medical School, Dr. Martin Markary, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, MD PhD, Stanford Medical School, Lancet, BMJ, NEJM, the CDC itself, which said Jan. 19 almost two years ago that natural immunity was equal to or better than the shot... .gee.... I dunno, read it yourself here https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e1.htm#contribAff

Unfortunately, he has as much money as arrogance. His reponse to my warning, which I maybe emailed once every four months, and VERY gently? A terse, "Quit emailing me." So I did. Last report his wife has finished her second round of serious Covid... and still not interested.

Normally bias is stupid. But now it even kills. Quod erat demonstrandum

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Amazing how the CDC pads the end discussion with theories on the results. Of course it has to state over & over that the vaccine will definitely gain the immunity numbers by the second or third variant. And then they question why the U.S. data is so poor? That’s hysterical! Aren’t they in charge of the health data for the U.S.?

I agree we won’t be “ sitting this one out” but it won’t be so easy this time. Many are waking up and finding their voices & expect to fight the good fight until the end. Americans are stronger than some imagine & when it comes right down to it, I know we will put differences aside and stand up to these unelected cowards & push back HARD.

Many will NOT comply & will peacefully stand their ground to protect their families. Others have armed themselves extensively & plan for food shortages, etc. Some will do a little of both. God is on our side & isn’t surprised or afraid of current happenings. This spiritual war has been planned for awhile. Much of “Revelations”, in the Bible, describes our current situation & includes the eventual use of digital money in exchange for goods & services.

Find God and know Him. He is the only one that can save us. C.S. Lewis wrote, “ Mere Christianity” brilliantly, if any readers are still on the fence about God. It’s not preachy or judgmental, it’s in simple terms & it’s like a friend is sharing the best gift you’ll ever receive. You can’t imagine how much you’re loved. 😇

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Great work Rachel. Sharing.

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