Like the cartoon Rachel. People will forever regret tampering with God's creation. I would hate to live in an eternal state of suffering and regret. But this will come to those who choose to serve and follow the devil.

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These people (and I use that word lightly) think so highly of themselves with their wealth, intelligence and circle of friends and mentors. Their main error is equating themselves as gods as they think they have some right over humans, Their Time IS UP and the One True GOD ABOVE is soon going to Smack them down! Their $$ money or friends of twisted intelligence isn't going to help them any!

I wonder what these $ickos were like as babies and toddlers? Were they innocent or like that mean little CHUCKY? We Must keep remembering that we have these sick evil individuals directly over us because we have first disobeyed God.

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Klaus Schwab is another one, and Billy goats gates Oh man! ..To think of these wicked creeps as I'm eating breakfast! They all do go good with Halloween!

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I wonder what they see when they look in the mirror? Are they so deceived to believe that they are good people? Guess they had better enjoy their temporal lives in the current age while they can. A hopeless eternity awaits them if they don't repent and get right with God.

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Yes! Their days are numbered... Earthly days that is!.

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