Sep 2Liked by RE Nichols

Very well said Rachel! ... "And Trump will save us!" "He's the savior!"...In a roundabout way, he's an or THEE "Anti-Christ"... His ear shot (in a way, was surviving a "fatal head shot..or wound..but yet he survived and lived" and everyone marveled at him and followed him...(well his followers anyhow)....Bi-dung sure has proven (for those with eyes to see) that the office of The P-resident of The United States of America is definitely a "puppet" job or a position controlled by a bunch of globalist handlers.

....Now this post (Comment) of mine could be deemed as "hate-speech and Dis-Information or and Mis-Information!....Yes, and X or F.B would block me if I posted this there!....But I quit that several yrs ago. I also definitely distrust Harris , Nothing looks too good!....Also, I fear another "Plandemic" which Billy boy gates of hell (demon dropping ) has another "Vaxine" ready!

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Sep 4Liked by RE Nichols

Thank you for saying what I've been thinking/feeling.

I am just a little thrilled that Bobby Jr. has thrown in with Chump to "Make America Healthy Again"

But the system will likely grind him down, too.

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One thing is for sure, and that is eternity.

Where we spend it is the most important thing we need to know.

If one is not sure of their ultimate destiny I would suggest reading the Gospel of John in the Bible. That’s a great place to start.

Seek the Lord while you still can. No one is guaranteed tomorrow.

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