I've been reading lots of unempathetic comments about people who are suffering and have died after taking the covid jabs. I don't understand the gloating. I get it that gloating over the suffering of others is an individual choice. I don't argue with people who take that stance. I realize that I could have made bad decisions myself that could have scarred me for many years or even for a lifetime. Or even brought about a premature death on my part.

I still believe by the grace of God that if more people would learn to love and become more receptive to the truth about all things. God can heal their bodies whether covid jabbed or not. No doubt here though that as long as people choose to believe the lies they're told about everything. Well keep hearing about more disastrous health outcomes from the covid jabbed and non-covid jabbed individuals alike. There is no way to my knowledge that toxins or carcinogens can heal the body, or prevent diseases. And unless people choose to get that insight. I truly don't see much hope for their physical or mental health.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Author

I agree. According to the Bible we are to love our enemies and should be praying for those who suffer. Many suffering these jabs did not even indulge in the behaviors I described.

I've suffered damage from Big pHarma's "safe and effective treatments" in the past. Some of the minor side effects included irregular heartbeats, autoimmune disease, and neurological damage.

My condemnation of certain behaviors does not mean we should hold grudges or gloat against the individuals who did them. Nor does it mean the "Covid Karens" are unforgiveable.

It is disturbing to see what we have become as a society.

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I get your points about people exposing their ignorance through being pathological liars about everything. And some of them seem to be on a life-long mission to drag as many people as far down or farther to their level of evil, ungodliness, malice, hatred and hatefulness. I think I may have gotten and a little off topic on your post. I got on that rant because we are really seeing more than ever how deceitful and malicious lots of people are.

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AMEN, Rachael! Every wicked deception of Technocracy’s Marxist spirit is being directed against those (i.e. lukewarm Laodicean foolish-virgins in Socialism’s abominable Security System) who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth (Revelation 18:4) that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful Humanist delusion so that they believe the lie of the Beast’s Social Gospel, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.

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