Feb 8, 2023Liked by R Nichols

Thanks Rachel! The world is getting worse and worse every day. The Glow-Bull-ists wants to get their AI, Nanotechnology ,Mrna, DNA-Altering poison / Technology into us one way or the other and control us! (Those of us that they let live that is) ... I DO NOT want any part of it! That Fat, Stuffy jabbering bald Klaus Schwab and his Nazi voice (He sounds like Colored Klink on Hogan's Heroes) He needs several Covid-19 injections and several boosters! (Bill Gates needs a bunch of shots too!)

They want complete control over our bodies, minds and souls! ... Hell awaits them!

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If you want to really learn survival, throw out the B.Angier, as he was a lukewarm weekend warrior, and his and his wife's work was mostly only watered-down drivel for other weekend warriors, and boyscouts from the city, that were just going through the motions.

If you want a foundation of survival in book form, I'd suggest that you look into John and Geri McPherson's "Naked into the Wilderness", as it will give you a genuine foundation of skills for the long-run that ACTUALLY work.

Try starting a friction fire with B.A.'s methods, and you'll be frustrated and tired and COLD, as he only gives you the roughest idea, without the necessary details. You'd have about as much success as if you rubbed two sticks together like all the cartoons show.

A real life lived on the ground is BETTER than a fake life lived in plastic land clouds, imo.

Blessings to not only survive, but to THRIVE.

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Hello there, R. Nichols!

I invite you to peruse a bit of my own poetry, gifted me upon the winds, and then maybe you can correctly decide if I am to be deemed a Schwabbian NWO citizen, as you so hastily implied on Rick's newsletter...

If you think about it, this bug-eating business is likely a plot to cause exactly what I see that it has caused, or has exacerbated, in that so many will be robbed of potential nutrition when the axe finally drops, and now many, Many More people are pigging out like there's no tomorrow on corporation meat, saying things like "Oh yeah, Schwab? I'm gonna eat 3x more meat now, just to show you!".

I am not ashamed to admit that I find "bugs" to be a potentially equally viable food source along with all the other living creatures that humans eat, and such delicacies have been eaten with relish all over the world LONG before Schwabb, Gates, Fink, et al. tried to force them down a limp-wristed millenial's throat, to make sure that most all are properly afraid of a taste of real, raw life.

I wasn't pushing an agenda. I wasn't telling anyone to "do as I do".

I was responding honestly with my direct experience eating ze bugs, and, once again, find no shame in expressing what I found to be a good and worthy food source, no different really than a shrimp, a lobster, or other "bugs" of the sea, or even our chickens, eels, snakes, lizards, fish, and if you really get down to it, the lack of blood (that many claim to crave in their steak tartare) in these creatures, combined with their taste and nutriments, is in some ways more sane and perhaps physically and spiritually healthy, IF you really look...

I have been on the path leading to freedom since 1988, foreseeing this current nightmare "way" back then, and not as some golden child, with a wealthy family syndicate backing me, but down in the ditches, getting my hands properly dirty.

I have not been the grasshopper, nor the ant- I am a Human being, and stand upright upon the two of my legs, with no disrespect intended upon the maimed and deformed.

Cheers to persevere!

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OK. Sorry I was snarky.

I'd definitely eat bugs if I was starving.

Survivalists like Bradford Angier said they can keep you alive.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by R Nichols

I believe A. was written by a human.

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Correct. I wrote it.

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Nice writing!

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Well that sums it up, I thought A was the AI, cos it's so similar to a poem it wrote for me...

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