There are quite a few good, seasoned, logical pastors and Christians who do believe there will be a rapture.

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022Author

Many pre tribbers refuse to acknowledge what's happening around them right now even while they preach about the End Times. The point I was making.

Or they advise complacency. Don't prep or garden. Don't attempt to help children trapped in public education. Don't feed the hungry. Don't call for massive evangelistic outreach or repentance. Because these activities show a lack of faith in the Rapture according to these video sermons I've watched.

I used to believe in the Rapture simply because of the popular imagination of Christian subculture.

Till I examined the Bible and let it speak for itself. Sola Scriptura led to my conclusion.

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Thanks, Rachel. Excellent sarcasm in your commentary. The fantasy of Xian tares will become reality when they are suddenly raptured up in the mushroom clouds of nuclear holocaust.

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