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The Devil’s foolish virgins, tares, goats, and sheepskin-covered wolves blindly follow the blind, in the lukewarm compromising consensus of Democracy’s Socially-Secured (501c3) church. The Angel of Light’s democratic church/synagogue services are all about anti-theocratic Humanist vibes, and NOT about obedience to Christ’s gospel commandment: to daily deny yourself by faithfully taking up your martyrs cross and thereby glorify God’s Holy Theocratic kingdom. Harlot Xian synagogues of Satan have self-righteously thrown out hymnals entirely and replaced them with monotonous, vapid lyrics and bewitching praise choruses that hypnotize deluded, carnal-minded singers.

The souls of naturally stupid people and foolish people have one thing in common. They both share the spiritual death that occurred to sinners in Eden when the Serpent’s seductive Humanist gospel (the carnal knowledge of good and evil) spiritually blinded the eyes of their degenerated carnal-minded hearts. Comfortably living in their flesh’s un-crucified sin nature occurs because their carnal mind’s conscious is spiritually blinded from seeing the inherent evil that malignantly exists within their self-willed old wineskin hearts. Old wineskin-hearted foolish virgins in Christ’s Bride refuse to repentantly trust the wise virgins or ask them questions concerning the New Wine of Christ’s Holy Spirit that fills their new wineskin hearts.

God truly hates Esau, and “never knew” those self-willed Xian virgins who foolishly follow their un-crucified sin nature’s carnal-minded intelligence. The wise virgins are blessed to have the mind of Christ’s Holy Spirit (i.e. the New Wine) faithfully working in their new wineskin hearts, causing them to willingly obey the foreordained purpose and good pleasure of God’s will. Philippians 2:13; Ezekiel 36:26

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