You’ve provided some excellent food for thought Rachel. We will all be forced out of our comfort zone and have to learn new skills to survive outside of their system. And no, This article did not make me hate you. I’ve also been thinking certain things that have been corrupted, like our voting system, and our courts and much of our law enforcement, would need to be scrapped and start over. They cannot be reformed at this point. That needed to be done 25 to 30 years ago but instead we believed the lies about 9/11 and then more lies about “Covid-19” and fake vaccines.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by R Nichols

I've thought for the past couple of years that these elites were being guided by demonic or off planet entities, which could be one and the same? Interesting article by Wolf. The way "they've" been able to flip humanity like a fried egg seems to be something above the pay scale of actual human beings. John Carpenters movie "They Live" is a really simplified metaphor for all of this. The long fist fight between Nada and his buddy just so Nada could get him to put on the glasses and really see what was going on comes to mind every time I try to red pill a normie. Thanks for the link.

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So true Leo. We've seen decades of evil agendas and track records come to fruition with more planned. It beats me why anyone would expect anything better from the bikers that live to make life on earth a living hell for everyone else who are not members of their tribe. My blessings or hope for anything good in life have nothing to do with fake humans.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by R Nichols

Exactly what I see and fear is coming. Thanks for putting it into words.

God Help Us All.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Author

He will.

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He does. He fights in the Cloud with you now. He is much nearer than you think.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Author

Both Catholic and Orthodox exorcists report whining among demons they cast out. "He is taking my power away," one said to Fr Chad Ripperger.

They always avoid mentioning Jesus by name. The fact is they envy us humans because we God worked so hard to redeem us.

I believe they're growing desperate. Hence the insanity among those they control. They know their case is hopeless so they want to take out as many of us with them as possible. This is like a hostage situation and our captors are determined to go out with guns blazing. But they are not as cool as they think and will wind up humiliated as well as defeated.

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You've made some good points on this post Rachael. I say to keep looking unto and following Jesus. No one has time for false hope, fake solutions or getting caught up in the traps of traitors. You're absolute correct about the excessive levels of corruption on every level of every institution. Beats me why anyone would expect salvation from the same people who live to enslave, bankrupt and destroy them on every front. I look to them for nothing good.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by R Nichols

I wish I could say this is psycho babble but unfortunately I can't. The acceleration in the past 36 months has been incredible. How did we let this happen? Was the "Road Warrior" a documentary?

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Life imitates art.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by R Nichols

Yep, and "they" like to clown humanity by giving a glimpse of the future. Serves as predictive programming too.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by R Nichols

I would be apt to agree. We MUST hope for some sort of Divine intervention

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I believe Christ will return before we extinct ourselves.

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For the sake of the elect these days will be cut short.

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And here, again, I'd be apt to agree.

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Divine intervention in operation for a while now, it's just that God doesn't make a big fuss about it, that's just His way. He hates pride and always has unlike Satan who revels in it. Hence the Pride marches of course, the Marches of the Beast!!

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Don't think we should hold our breath.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by R Nichols

For the Christian there is ALWAYS that hope. This is a punishment, of sorts, for the infidelities of humanity. If enough people were to amend their ways then this could be averted but in the mean time it might just be that Providence is going to allow for us to sit in the stew that we have made. It has happened countless times in the past; this just being a more obscene occasion.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023Author

My lack of enthusiasm over the Asbury Revival annoys friends.

I'd like to see more renunciation of sin and rededication to holy living among believers. And also repentance of the unsaved. There has been a steep decline in evangelism and souls won for many years. Even worse than our birthrates.

All I see is an unfocused feel-good euphoria. No tears of contrition or godly sorrow for personal sin. No hearts breaking for all the souls going to Hell.

The only mourning taking place throughout the land is among the "Woke" bewailing their "privilege." When God said "sins" I guess they thought He said "skins." The convenient thing about Wokeism is you can't change anything about the way you live so you don't have to.

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You should see the now the end begins article on that "revival." We have to be on guard against fake Christians who are in league with the devil too. And his one world religion that will be combined with the one world government, health, monetary and economic system.

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The current pope has already coined the term “Chrislam “ and is reaching out to join with the Muslims and Jewish in a joint religion. Pure evil.

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The crooks have joined forces for sure. They're united in religion, politics, the corrupt medical and other industries. They have their media people in place too to keep the people deceived about everything and living in a partial state of fear and uncertainty. When the various liars speak they usually mean the exact opposite of what they say.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Beautifully stated, my friend.

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The problem is Operation Judgement is in hand at the moment and must be completed on schedule. Rather tedious for those going through it I know, but it must be done.

If things hadn't gotten so bad the evil ones would not have been exposed in coming to the surface. They think they are winning but more fool them. Wheat and tares being sorted.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023Author

We western Christians have gotten fat and soft. As the Apostle Peter states in the first of his two epistles, "Judgment begins with the House of God."

God will discipline His children as a loving Father. Then He will punish His enemies as a righteous Judge. The most vile will be saved for last since they' have the smallest chance of redemption. God prefers to show mercy to those who humble themselves and repent.

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Political structures able to tax and float bonds will likely not dissolve. Can solutions arise like Greater Idaho? Or given most Americans are not Maquis or likely to support Maquis even if a vision of a restored Res Publica drives them on against the 82nd Airborne is a new Continental Congress and a dissolving of the present Federal arrangement feasible?

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Yeah, this is becoming all too real man!

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Here is the LORD Jesus’ appraisal of the unrepentant, woke Babylonian Whore’s reprobate situation. Socially-secured ‘Babylonian’ citizens love the utopian Orwellian ‘dream’ of Freemasonry’s American Judeo-Xian Whore. Or loved. Because now they see her licentious Laodicean democracy was conceived within the Angel of Light’s sacred Masonic Temple by Satan’s dead demon-cratic seed. There will be no successful secession in “taking back Jezebel’s Harlot Jerusalem/America from the UN Beast’s Caesar Nero/King George.” Jezebel’s reprobate citizens corpses are for the dogs and vultures to eat—not rescuing.

Okay then, cross-bearing Christian martyrs. Why not faithlessly put down our daily cross and foolishly take up the sword to violently “take back Jerusalem/America” by force from the Roman Beast’s Caesar? Like the Masonic Founding Fathers of America’s sacred Constitution did against the Beast’s king George. They had a number of respected Masonic leaders from among democracy’s self-willed people willing to head America’s rebellious revolution and set up the Orwellian scaffolding of Socialism’s new humanistic government to replace the distant Caesar/monarch.

Just taking down the Beast’s Socialistically Secured corrupt government is not enough. We digitally-marked chattel need to find another idolatrous way to supply and secure the welfare of our daily lives. Not unlike how Socialism’s abominable Security System is doing for us (it’s dependent wards/chattel from cradle to grave) so we cannot survive apart from it.

This wicked country is predestined to go down, just as Israel’s Christ-killing Jerusalem went down in 70 AD. We need an independent humanistic system of our own to survive Armageddon’s holocaust that lies ahead. “But the Marxist Beast will come after us!” They will indeed. That’s why we foolish virgins in Christ’s Bride need to put down our cross and take up the sword, keep guns and stay organized in Lucifer’s lukewarm Laodicean church.

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Yes, take up your swords, just as the man "Jesus" did, when he and his disciples went on a bloody rampage, killing all of the infidels.... and cutting off ears, arms, and heads of those Romans, preserving this Love-fuelled world for we, the Kind, Compassionate good children, up to this Very Day...

The soul is not something one should rush to taint in this way that you prescribe, John, and while you are Free (!) to do so, let it be known that when one jeopardizes one's own soul, it's a completely different matter from when that one would lead others' astray, as I witness your attempt, here.

Your suggestion is not uncommon, nor will it receive an uncommon reward.

What is the reward such actions will deliver? A few more years on Earth, to see that your powerful dominion of blood and rebellion is Still On Top? How does a bit of time on the Miry Clay of Earth compare to yours and our eternal souls'? Pondering such might help your plight.

When one finds the strength to truly love their (pathetic, wicked, wayward) enemies, as the teacher instructed, the solace that such adherence to Righteous Truth brings will be worth more than innumerable lifetimes spent clinging to the deceiver's tail, chasing his lies.

Only blasphemous South Park "jeezus" would arm his self with an AK, and join the clowns in their armed assault, in defense of his and their "liberties"... Led by none other than the likes of those god-fearing S. Stallone's and A. Schwarzenegger's.

So Brave and Bold!!! ... Killin' the ENEMIES. Yeah.... Perhaps to have a statue placed in your Eternal Honor?

Don't be absurd.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by RE Nichols

RE: The soul is not something one should rush to taint in this way that you prescribe, John, and while you are Free (!) to do so, let it be known that when one jeopardizes one's own soul, it's a completely different matter from when that one would lead others' astray, as I witness your attempt, here.

Marcus Knight—The soul that is ‘born-again’ and eternally secured within Christ’s theocratic Kingdom, will not idolatrously turn back to Sodom’s woke democracy and become a digitally-marked (SS#), dependent ward of Socialism’s abominable UN Security System. In 1 Kings 18:27 Elijah was not attempting to taint, lead astray or jeopardize the deluded souls of Jezebel’s 450 Baal prophets when he mocked them, saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.”

Likewise, I mock the unrepentant, lukewarm Laodicean virgins in Christ’s Bride, who foolishly discard their cross and stumble in the darkness of Socialism’s Security System carrying their AK and empty oil lamps. johnshaphat@hotmail.com

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023Liked by R Nichols, RE Nichols

I am embarrassed to say that I misread your original statement, and thought you to be promoting the call for blood.

I apologize for my own poor vision, having taken you for a fork-tongued in my will to haste.


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